Business Analytics at NYU is a part-time program, meaning that we do not need to spend 5 days per week at the campus, and it is not like an online program either. There are 6 modules in total, and each module takes 5-6 full days to be in physical classes, meaning that you will finish one subject within 1-2 days only. Some of subjects require pre-reading and some self-learning or practice before joining class like Python, R or SQL. Attending offline class is quite tense due to time crunch.
Teaching Style
I wish I could have more time attending the class and meeting professors in person more often.
If you expect a mixer between offline and online class, or online class materials like on edx.com, NYU is not your choice. MSBA at NYU has a very little amount of educational videos.
Mostly you have to read from textbooks. Some subjects like Decision Models you have to learn some tools like Crystal Ball (a calculation plug-in on Excel), or solver before joining offline class, but the gist of the subject is taught in offline class. I admit it was overwhelmed. Even though I had 3 weeks after attending the offline class before the deadline of post-module assignments, I felt it was not enough. I wish I could have more time attending the class and meeting professors in person more often. By the way, Professor Jiawei Zhang, teaching Decision Models, is one of my favourite professors so far.
Module 1
- Foundations of Statistics Using R
- Digital Marketing Analytics
- Introduction to Business Analytics
Module 2
- Dealing with Data Using Python
- Decision Models
- Big Data
- Databases for Business Analytics
Module 3
- Data Mining in R: Machine Learning
- Data Driven Decision Making
- Operations Analytics
Module 4
- Data Visualisation
- Network Analytics
- Decision Under Risk
Module 5
- Revenue Management and Pricing
- Strategy, Change and Analytics
- Modern Artificial Intelligence
Module 6
- Strategic Capstone
Other factors needed to be considered
There is another factor I would like you to take to consideration is that you have to travel to attend classes. I live in Asia, where there is a twelve-hour time difference, which affects my learning efficiency due to jet lag. Even though I arrived destinations a few days before the class, I still could feel my body could not adjust to new time zone fast enough. Most of my classmates still worked full-time, so that they could not apply leave for many days before the class started. Apart of having faced with jet lag, I also felt it costed me more sticking to one place.
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